The 21-year-old teenager confirmed that he had given birth to 11 babies

A 21-year-old girl gave birth to a record 11 babies on Wednesday night, breaking the previous record of 8. Mary Lambert of Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, said that she had not taken any fertility drugs before while pregnant, and that she didn’t even know how she got pregnant in the first place.

“My boyfriend and I have never had sex before,” said Lambert, whose father, George, was standing nearby. “We’ve been dating since I was 17 and he was 18, but we’ve never done anything before, including kissing.”

Doctors said that having 11 children at once was something they had never seen before and that dealing with the birth was extremely difficult.

“Have you ever seen those old movies or TV shows where one clown gets out of a car, then another clown, then another clown, and soon you have a whole team of clowns who just Have you stepped out of this tiny car yet? Dr. Eugene Banks said delivering these babies is like that. “It looks like this girl’s vagina is a very strange clown car.”

However, according to Dr. Banks, it is impossible that Lambert has never had s*x.
“Of course she had s?*x. She was a 21-year-old girl with a boyfriend who had just had a baby, 11 of course I might add,” Dr. Banks said. “Why does she think she’s pregnant?”
“My daughter is a good girl and if she says she has never had s*x, she has never had s*x,” George Lambert said. “Like the virgin mother who gave birth to the baby Jesus many years ago, my daughter is also a virgin Mary. Of course, I just wish God could send just one baby. Eleven is a bit much.”

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