A Family’s Unyielding Journey: Overcoming Down Syndrome Diagnosis and Battling Cancer with Unwavering Love

“Life has taken our family on an extraordinary journey in recent years, pushing us to our limits both mentally and emotionally. My wife, Terah, and I have always been adventurous spirits, ready to embrace whatever challenges life throws our way. Little did we know just how much we would be tested.

After three years of married life, we felt ready to start our family. We assumed that once we decided to stop preventing pregnancy, we would soon welcome a beautiful baby into our lives. However, reality had different plans. Unable to conceive naturally, we embarked on a journey that involved fertility doctors, medications, and procedures. It was an emotionally taxing experience, one that exposed us to the harsh realities of infertility.

It took over five years of doctor visits, medications, and treatments before we finally received the news we had been yearning for. After numerous rounds of IUI and our second attempt at IVF, Terah was pregnant. The joy we felt when we heard TWO heartbeats during our 12-week appointment was indescribable. We were having twins! However, the happiness was short-lived when we were delivered devastating news: one of the heartbeats had stopped. While we mourned the loss of one baby, we were still overjoyed to welcome our baby girl into the world.

Terah’s pregnancy proceeded as expected for first-time parents, with regular doctor’s appointments and the excitement of preparing for our little princess’s arrival. Just before the 37-week mark, Terah went into labor, and we headed to the hospital, where the real adventure began.

Our labor journey was long, spanning 42 hours, but our baby girl, Indy, was born healthy and strong. It was a moment of pure celebration amidst the chaos. However, as soon as Indy was born, the hospital experienced a power outage, creating an eerie atmosphere. I stayed by her side, fiercely protective, as we navigated our way through that challenging time.

But soon, more challenges lay ahead. A doctor noticed some markers in Indy’s hands and feet that suggested she might have Down syndrome. Our world was once again turned upside down. The subsequent hours were a whirlwind of tears and fears as we grappled with this unexpected news. Indy’s diagnosis was confirmed, and we began our journey as parents of a child with Down syndrome.

Despite the initial shock, we embraced our new reality and poured our love and energy into raising Indy. We spent two weeks in the NICU, taking care of our precious daughter. The experience was filled with both joy and learning as we adapted to our new role as parents of a child with special needs.

As adventurous parents, we were determined not to let Indy’s diagnosis hold us back. We continued to live life to the fullest, traveling, exploring, and cherishing every moment. Indy’s presence brought an added layer of meaning to our adventures, and we reveled in the experiences we shared as a family.

Then, in January 2018, while returning from a trip to Hawaii, Indy fell ill. What we initially thought was a common cold turned out to be something far more serious. A visit to the pediatrician led to a series of tests, and our worst fears were confirmed—Indy had cancer, a leukemia-like disease called MDS.

Our lives were once again thrust into turmoil, and we embarked on a grueling journey of treatments, hospital stays, and emotional roller coasters. Indy’s resilience and strength were awe-inspiring, and we clung to the hope that we would emerge victorious. After eight months of battling cancer, we celebrated Indy’s remission and the end of that chapter.

With cancer behind us, we set out to live life to the fullest once again. We welcomed our second daughter, Birdy, as an unexpected but joyful addition to our family. Our adventures continued, and we basked in the support and love we received from our Instagram family, who had followed our journey.

However, our happiness was short-lived. In July 2019, Indy experienced a cancer relapse, shattering our world once more. We found ourselves back in the fight against this relentless disease, determined to do whatever it takes to defeat it once again.

Our journey feels like climbing Mount Everest, reaching a point where oxygen is scarce, and the challenges seem insurmountable. But we are resolute in our determination to reach the summit. We draw strength from our love for Indy and our unwavering belief that we can overcome any obstacle life throws at us.












Our story is one of resilience, love, and the unyielding spirit of a family facing unimaginable challenges. We may not know what lies ahead, but we will continue to climb, one step at a time, driven by love and hope.”

This story was submitted to Love What Matters by Brian and Terah Jones of Salt Lake City, Utah. You can follow their journey on Instagram here.

If you have a similar experience or would like to share your story, please submit it here.

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Be Tien