Viral Sensation: A Memorable Bathroom Birth, Welcoming a Little Angel

Jodie’s Empowering Journey to a Natural Birth

As a self-described more mature first-time mom, Jodie was determined to prepare herself mentally and physically for the birth experience she desired. At the age of 36, she embarked on a journey of self-education and empowerment, aiming for a natural birth. She shared her inspiring story with Mum’s Grapevine.

“I am an older first-time mom at 36, and I really wanted to make sure I prepared my body and mind to give myself the best chance at having a natural birth, as that was important to me and my husband, Craig,” Jodie explained.

Jodie went beyond the information shared by her doctors and sought out additional knowledge about what to expect during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. She felt that the information provided by healthcare professionals only scratched the surface of what she believed to be the most important day on Earth for a woman.

“The need to seek good mental and physical health led me to start prenatal yoga. There I met an amazing instructor who was also a doula. Finally, I had met someone who was able to share information and empower me to seek and gain the knowledge and skills needed to achieve the birth I hoped for. I ended up enlisting her to be part of our special day… and it was the best decision ever.”

Jodie experienced Braxton Hicks contractions for a few days and made it to 40 weeks, feeling great. Her baby was healthy, so she patiently waited for the big day.

“I followed all the suggested things to do to bring labor on naturally… yoga, walking, acupuncture – it all seemed to work. I got to 40+3, and I went to see the midwife to have an examination to see what was going on. I was 2cm dilated, so labor couldn’t have been far off, which I was happy about because I really didn’t want to be induced. That was on Friday. On Saturday, my husband and I woke up, went for our morning walk, and decided to try the only other thing on the list that we hadn’t tried yet, which is meant to induce labor – sex!”

“Well, needless to say, before we got very far, I heard and felt a big gush, and my waters had broken. Once my waters had broken, nothing much happened for a while, so we just popped to the hospital to get monitored to check the baby’s heart rate. The baby was fine, so off we went back home.”

“Our doula came around that afternoon to give me a massage with essential oils that help bring on labor, and she also did some yoga poses. I was very relaxed but still nothing. She asked if there was anything blocking my mind that could be preventing the contractions from starting. I asked for some time alone to reflect and realized I was very sad that my mom wasn’t going to be there as she was in the UK. With COVID, there was no way she could have been there, which she would have done if the world was in a different stage. I had a good cry and acknowledged those feelings, which helped.”

“My doula, Katie, then left Craig and me alone to reflect, and I had a good feed as it was getting to around 7 pm, and I was hungry. It must have been no more than 10 minutes after she left when Craig had just put some food in front of me when the contractions started – and boy did they start coming quickly.”

“They were already at five-minute intervals, and they were strong, but I was really enjoying the feeling. The rush of oxytocin surging through my body was like being on drugs; it was amazing. Craig rang our doula and she turned back around in the car and came straight back. My plan was to labor as long as I could at home and only go to the hospital when I really needed to.”

“Hubby filled up the bath, put my birthing playlist on, and the galaxy projector light we had bought to make the space as peaceful and empowering as possible. I labored in the bath for a few hours with Craig massaging my back and applying pressure on my hips to help the baby’s head make its way down the birth canal. I really went into the zone, and I had never felt so strong in all my life, totally in control, and I was so happy.”

‘We Need to Get to the Hospital NOW!’

After a few intense hours of laboring, things started ramping up for Jodie.

“After a couple of hours at home, the contractions were getting closer and stronger, and I decided to get out of the bath. As soon as I was out, I actually started to feel really sick and needed to vomit. I got that out of my system, and then Craig tried to massage my back again, and I was like, ‘Don’t touch me.’ Our doula then said, ‘Right, we need to go to the hospital NOW; that’s a sure sign the baby is coming soon.'”

“I grabbed the easiest thing to throw on from the cupboard, which happened to be my kimono dressing gown I got free from a hotel in Taiwan – random, I know. Once semi-dressed, we went off to the car. I couldn’t sit down on the seat; the contractions were too powerful, so I knelt on the front seat, and off we went.”

“Fortunately, we were only 10 minutes away from the hospital. That car ride was the hardest part of the whole experience as it was excruciating to be stuck in a moving car. Craig was worried he was going to have to deliver the baby in the car!”

The Calm Before the Storm

Upon arrival at the hospital, Jodie’s labor was well underway, and she continued to follow her birth plan.

“We got to the hospital, and I was examined and was now 7cm dilated. I was so proud of myself, and I knew we had to be close now. The midwives put us in a lovely birthing suite with a big double bed, a birthing pool, and a shower. I made my way over to the shower as I knew I wanted to be in there for a little bit. The hot water was really soothing on my lower back, and I labored there for a little while.”

Jodie’s husband, Craig, was a pillar of support throughout her labor.

“Craig was amazing; he was doing all the things that I needed him to do. He was providing counterpressure on my back during the contractions, keeping me hydrated, and encouraging me. We really did make a great team, and I couldn’t have done it without him.”

The Journey to Motherhood

Jodie’s journey to motherhood reached its climax as she transitioned from the shower to the birthing pool.

“I eventually got out of the shower, and the pool was ready. I was so excited to get into the pool as I knew the water would be so soothing and help with the pain. Our doula came into the pool with me, and it was lovely to have her in there for support.”

Jodie’s determination and the unwavering support of her husband and doula paid off as she entered the final stages of labor.

“The surges started coming stronger, and I could feel the baby moving down and out. It was intense, but I was embracing it. I felt so connected to my body, and I knew that my baby and I were working together to bring her into the world.”

“At one point, I could feel the baby’s head starting to crown, and I knew we were close. I reached down and felt her head coming out. It was such an incredible feeling. Our doula and the midwife were amazing; they provided encouragement and support, but they also allowed me to be in control of my birth.”

“The final push was intense, and I gave it everything I had. I felt my baby’s head come out, followed by her body. It was the most amazing moment of my life. I had done it; I had given birth naturally to our beautiful daughter.”

“Instantly, she was placed on my chest, and I was overwhelmed with love and joy. She was perfect, and I couldn’t believe she was finally here. Craig was right by my side, and we shared that special moment together as a family.”

Jodie’s Empowering Birth Experience

Jodie’s journey to a natural birth was not without its challenges, but she emerged from the experience feeling empowered and proud of herself.

“My birth experience was everything I had hoped for and more. It was challenging, intense, and at times, painful, but it was also the most incredible, empowering, and transformative experience of my life. I felt so connected to my body and my baby throughout the entire process, and I truly believe that the knowledge and support I received from our doula made all the difference.”

Jodie shared her advice for other expectant mothers who are hoping for a natural birth.

“My advice to other mums-to-be is to seek out information and support beyond what you receive from your healthcare providers. Do your research, take childbirth education classes, and consider hiring a doula if it’s within your means. Having that additional support and knowledge can make a world of difference in your birth experience.”

Jodie’s story serves as a testament to the power of education, preparation, and the unwavering support of loved ones in achieving the birth experience one desires. Her journey to a natural birth, at the age of 36, showcases the incredible strength and resilience of mothers as they bring new life into the world.

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Be Hieu