Birds Defend Their Nest Against a Giant Lizard

A pair of determined Water Thick-knees confront a sizable monitor lizard in a bid to safeguard the eggs in their nest.


Bjorn Borge Lunde recently had the privilege of witnessing this unforgettable encounter while savoring a glass of wine at Rio Vista Lodge in Malelane. He shared his experience with


“We were seated at a table in the restaurant. It was late afternoon, and we were enjoying a glass of wine while overlooking the river and the embankment. We noticed some movement down on a sandbank.”


“A large monitor lizard was causing the resident Water Thick-knees some trouble. His mere presence was a discomforting factor for the little birds.”


Monitor lizards are large, carnivorous reptiles found in many parts of the world. They have a varied diet that includes insects, small mammals, and birds. Eggs form an essential part of their diet, and they are known to dig into the nests of birds to feast on their eggs.


Water Thick-knees, on the other hand, are shorebirds found in Africa, southern Asia, and Australia. They are known for their loud, piercing calls and are often seen near rivers or other bodies of water. These birds are diligent parents and take excellent care of their offspring. They construct their nests on the ground, typically near water, and both parents take turns incubating the eggs and looking after the chicks. They are fiercely protective of their young and will fend off any predators that come near their nest.


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“The birds would attack the monitor from two sides, or they would try to flank him. They never gave in and kept going at him constantly. They were fierce and showed no fear whatsoever.”


“Finally, the monitor had enough and retreated. We never could find out where the nest was. It is essential to have patience and enjoy every moment, as you never know what you might come across. Observing the behavior of different animals can provide insight into their lives and help us understand them better. With the right attitude and a keen eye, anyone can have an incredible experience while on safari.”

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