Eagle Launches Aerial Assault on Hare.

Eagles: Marvels of the Sky and Masters of Ambush

Eagles, the majestic birds of prey, are renowned for their incredible hunting techniques. Take, for example, the Martial eagle, which strategically ambushes its prey from the skies before indulging in a satisfying meal. Such a breathtaking sight was recently witnessed in the Mara North Conservancy within Masai Mara, Kenya.

The Martial eagle, descending for a landing, is among the most formidable raptors in Southern Africa. Their hunting prowess knows no bounds, ranging from small birds to sizable rodents, and there have even been documented instances of them hunting monkeys and small antelope. What sets them apart is their unique approach to hunting from elevated vantage points, enabling them to stealthily ambush unsuspecting prey. With a massive wingspan of approximately 1.8 meters (6 feet), these eagles reign supreme in the avian realm. Their impeccable eyesight further bolsters their hunting capabilities, making them truly unparalleled when it comes to aerial hunting.

Shiv Kapila, a 36-year-old director at the Naivasha Raptor Centre, had the privilege of capturing this extraordinary event. He enthusiastically shares the story with LatestSightings.com:

Martial Eagle’s Hunt for a Scrub Hare

“Accompanied by my good friend and colleague, Stratton Hatfield, we were en route to observe the Tano Bora coalition of five male cheetahs. However, our attention was promptly diverted by an adult male Martial eagle actively engaged in a hunt. To us, this was an opportunity too captivating to pass up.”

“As we drew closer, the eagle soared over a ridgeline, appearing poised to make a kill. At that moment, local herders were driving their cattle in the vicinity, and these movements often startled hares hidden in the tall grass. The odds were in favor of the eagle’s success. We reached the eagle just after it secured its kill. It skillfully maneuvered the prey and returned to it when undeterred by the herders.”

“Quit looking at my food!” Shiv humorously remarked. “I have been studying raptors for 13 years now, and this is only the second time I’ve had the privilege to witness a Martial eagle making a kill and devouring its prey.”

Shiv offers his valuable advice: “I encourage everyone to keep a watchful eye for raptors. They are truly remarkable creatures. Just like any other wild animals, they are unpredictable, and you never know what might transpire. Birds of prey possess the remarkable ability to hunt and kill larger prey, and their activity levels far surpass those of the mighty lions.”

In this captivating scene, the Martial eagle feasts on a hare, showcasing the power and grace of these formidable hunters of the skies.

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