China’s J-10C Fighter Jet: Impressing Potential Customers with Maneuverability and Advanced Weaponry Systems

Significant Advancements in China’s Air Force Equipment

China’s People’s Air Force is witnessing remarkable developments in its equipment, with the widespread deployment of the J-20 fighter jet and the proliferation of advanced third-and-a-half generation aircraft. Colonel Xie Peng, the spokesperson for the Chinese Air Force, announced on the 16th that J-10C fighter jets would be assigned to the August 1st Air Demonstration Team as part of their equipment development strategy.

The August 1st Air Demonstration Team, often considered as the People’s Air Force’s flying ambassador, will be showcasing the J-10C at the 16th annual Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition from May 23 to 27, marking their first international performance with this new aircraft. This rapid integration of the J-10C highlights China’s commitment to modernizing its Air Force equipment.

The J-10C is a third-generation supersonic multi-role fighter, representing a significant upgrade over its predecessor, the J-10A. According to military expert Zhang Xuefeng, the J-10C features a clamshell-type air intake, an optimized aerodynamic design, and improved avionics systems, including an infrared tracking and targeting system (IRST). These enhancements place it approximately half a generation ahead in terms of combat performance.

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Remarkably, the J-10C entered active combat service on April 16, 2018, only a little over five years before it was integrated into the August 1st Air Demonstration Team. While the Chinese Air Force has been rapidly modernizing, the demonstration team has exclusively used the J-10A for performances since 2009.

Zhang Xuefeng pointed out that the August 1st Air Demonstration Team is one of the few worldwide to employ a third-generation fighter jet for demonstrations. With the inclusion of the J-10C, China joins Russia and the United States in using a third-and-a-half generation fighter jet for this purpose, indicating the rapid advancement of the Chinese Air Force’s hardware.

The J-10C aircraft in the August 1st Air Demonstration Team retains its distinctive sapphire blue livery, symbolizing the “Sword of Victory” spirit of the Chinese Air Force. Visual differences, such as the enlarged dorsal fin, set the demonstration team’s J-10C apart. This enhancement likely allows for increased fuel storage and smoke agents, enhancing the aircraft’s stability and performance.

Fu Qianchao, a Chinese Air Force analyst, emphasized the J-10C’s superior flight performance, control, and maneuverability. The precision control of acceleration and deceleration makes it an excellent choice for formation flying. Furthermore, its enhanced information and system-level joint combat capabilities improve coordination within flight formations.

The J-10C’s improved combat radius, range, and aerial refueling capabilities allow the August 1st Air Demonstration Team to fly even further. Fu Qianchao believes that these advancements may enable the team to perform overseas without the need for refueling stops during long-distance flights.

The transition to the J-10C reportedly took just over a month for the August 1st Air Demonstration Team members. While the control systems are similar to the J-10A, the J-10C’s slightly larger size necessitated continuous testing and mastery of the aircraft’s optimal performance at various speeds and altitudes.

In conclusion, China’s People’s Air Force is making significant strides in equipment development, as seen in the inclusion of the advanced J-10C fighter jets in the August 1st Air Demonstration Team’s lineup. This not only showcases China’s commitment to modernization but also highlights its desire to project a message of peace and open dialogue through the People’s Air Force’s softer side.

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Be Hieu