A Remarkable Day: Mother Graduates and Gives Birth on the Same Day

Graduation day is always a momentous occasion, but for one young woman, it became an unforgettable day of both academic achievement and the birth of her first child.

Jada Sayles, a 21-year-old aspiring lawyer, was pursuing a degree in criminal justice at Dillard University in New Orleans, Louisiana, when she discovered she was expecting a child. With due dates being approximate, Jada never anticipated that her pregnancy would coincide with her graduation day, which was scheduled for May 14.

However, the unexpected happened when Jada started experiencing contractions the night before her commencement ceremony. Initially thinking they might be Braxton Hicks contractions, a common condition that can mimic labor, she decided to visit the hospital to be on the safe side.

To her astonishment, Jada wasn’t experiencing false labor; she was, in fact, in the early stages of giving birth. Pushing for 45 minutes during four hours of labor, she welcomed a baby boy into the world, whom she named Easton M’Kale Fuller.

Jada was elated about her new arrival, but the day had even more surprises in store for her.

Having been preoccupied with childbirth that morning, Jada had missed her graduation ceremony. However, she decided to reach out to Dillard University President Walter Kimbrough to inform him of her situation. In an act of incredible kindness, President Kimbrough organized a makeshift graduation ceremony right in Jada’s hospital room.

In a heartwarming video capturing the spontaneous ceremony, President Kimbrough presented Jada with her diploma, saying, “Congratulations. According to Walter, in a video of the spontaneous ceremony, you can come up to the bed and receive your degree.” Jada was joined by her older sister and other family members, lifting her spirits during this remarkable moment.

President Kimbrough recognized the tremendous achievement it was for Jada to graduate, especially considering the challenges she faced throughout the year, dealing with morning sickness and being significantly pregnant.

Jada’s graduation day will forever be etched in her memory as a day of exceptional accomplishments, marking the beginning of a new chapter as both a graduate and a new mother.


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