A Remarkable Journey: Woman Becomes a Mother at 52 After $200,000 Spent on IVF and Six Failed Rounds

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In a heartwarming tale of perseverance and hope, Luise Hoehn from Lowell, Massachusetts, welcomed her first child on Christmas Day at the age of 52. This incredible journey to motherhood was the culmination of more than six years of trying, spending over $200,000 on IVF treatments and donor eggs. However, Luise and her husband, Dean Biele, 47, are not stopping at just one child and have plans to expand their family further.Luise’s path to motherhood was far from straightforward. She and Dean met in 2007 when she was 37, but they didn’t embark on fertility treatments until nine years later. Unfortunately, at the age of 46, Luise was already over the cutoff age for many fertility clinics, and their insurance wouldn’t cover most of the treatment costs due to her age.

Woмan Giʋes Birth To Her First Child At AGE 52 After Spending More Than $200,000 On IVF
Before meeting Dean, Luise had never found someone with whom she wanted to start a family. She had a fulfilling career as a nanny, helping to raise other people’s children, and assumed that someday she would meet the right person and have children of her own.

The couple bought a house in 2012 and initially tried to conceive naturally once they were living together. However, Luise soon realized that her fertility was declining as she entered her forties.

52-летняя женщина впервые стала мамой, потратив на это 200 тысяч долларов
At 42, her doctor suggested she consult with an IVF specialist, but she declined, believing that she would become pregnant naturally. It wasn’t until she turned 46 and her periods stopped for two months, with a doctor diagnosing her as menopausal, that she decided to take action.

Luise realized that time was running out, and she and Dean sought their first IVF consultation in January 2016. The recommendation was to use donor eggs, as Luise’s own eggs were no longer considered ideal due to her age. Nevertheless, she decided to try with her own eggs initially.

After their marriage in February 2017, Luise underwent her first IVF cycle in March 2017. When it failed, the couple worked with a local doctor for two more cycles before moving to a clinic five hours away in Manhattan for three additional cycles.

Woмan Giʋes Birth To Her First Child At AGE 52 After Spending More Than $200,000 On IVF
The financial burden was significant, with Dean’s insurance covering only part of the costs. However, their determination to become parents kept them going despite the heartache of failed attempts and four unsuccessful retrievals between March 2017 and June 2018.

By 2019, the couple decided to search for a donor egg. Luise found a suitable donor in 2019, but her husband wanted her to continue searching through other agencies. Ultimately, they were both thrilled with the chosen donor, who was a perfect match both ethnically and in terms of personality and characteristics.

In May 2022, the couple transferred their first embryo, and just eight days later, Luise received a positive pregnancy test. They decided to keep the news within their immediate circle of friends and family, as Luise was cautious about how she would handle the pregnancy and wanted to avoid an influx of questions.

Woмan Giʋes Birth To Her First Child At AGE 52 After Spending More Than $200,000 On IVF
Despite being pregnant at 52, Luise had an uncomplicated pregnancy with few symptoms, aside from feeling exceptionally sleepy for eight months. Their son, Stellan, was born via C-section on December 25, weighing 4 pounds 15 ounces. Luise’s body recovered quickly, and she was even able to breastfeed.

Luise hopes that by sharing her story, she can inspire older women not to give up on their dreams of becoming mothers. She believes that her life experience has made her a wiser mother and that there’s something to be said for the knowledge and perspective that comes with age.

Woмan Giʋes Birth To Her First Child At AGE 52 After Spending More Than $200,000 On IVF
The couple is already cherishing the joys of parenthood and plans to try for a second child later in the year. Luise is grateful for the opportunity to become a mother and looks forward to completing their family with another addition.

Their journey, although financially and emotionally taxing, has resulted in a priceless gift—a beautiful family, with Stellan as the best present they could have ever wished for.

Woмan giʋes 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 to her first 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥 at AGE 52 after spending мore than $200,000 on IVF | Daily Mail Online
Woмan Giʋes Birth To Her First Child At AGE 52 After Spending More Than $200,000 On IVF
Woмan Giʋes Birth To Her First Child At AGE 52 After Spending More Than $200,000 On IVF
Woмan, 52, Gaʋe Birth to Her First Child After Spending $200,000 on IVF • Relationship Rules
Woмan giʋes 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 to her first 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥 at AGE 52 after spending мore than $200,000 on IVF | Daily Mail Online
Maмă la 52 de ani. După 6 ani de trataмente și încercări, a deʋenit мaмă de
Woмan Giʋes Birth To Her First Child At AGE 52 After Spending More Than $200,000 On IVF
Woмan Giʋes Birth To Her First Child At AGE 52 After Spending More Than $200,000 On IVF
Woмan Giʋes Birth To Her First Child At AGE 52 After Spending More Than $200,000 On IVF

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