An Odyssey of a Girl with 8 Sets of Twins – A 12-Year Retrospective (Video)

Parenting multiple children is an enormous responsibility, but there are remarkable women who have successfully shouldered these duties on their own. Nadya Suleman stands out as an exceptional source of inspiration, having astonishingly become the mother of eight sets of twins simultaneously.

Even more astonishing is the fact that, during several of her pregnancies, she already had six children to care for. Despite all the challenges she faced, this courageous woman raised all her children with unwavering love and care. It has been 12 years since those challenging births, and the twins have now grown up, gone through kindergarten, and are attending school. The most difficult times are now behind them, and Nadya, a joyful mother, is focused not only on nurturing her children but also on taking care of herself.

Video: Cô gái có 8 cặp song sinh cùng lúc - cuộc sống của họ diễn ra như thế nào, 12 năm sau

Undoubtedly, the most demanding period is the initial few months after childbirth. Nadya doesn’t have a husband to share the load, so she relies solely on herself. In addition to enduring sleepless nights, she initially faced significant financial hardships. She made every effort to participate in any shows or opportunities that came her way. “Mother of Eight” manages with only a few hours of sleep per day but always strives to provide the best care for each of her children.

Video: Cô gái có 8 cặp song sinh cùng lúc - cuộc sống của họ diễn ra như thế nào, 12 năm sau

Her eldest son is now 19 years old, and the younger siblings are gradually taking on responsibilities for their younger brothers and sisters. In all the photos that Nadya, the mother of many children, has shared online, her children are seen as joyful and smiling. She is an exceptional and caring mother who has succeeded in raising well-adjusted children leading active lives.

While many people on this planet may not fully understand her, this record holder pays no heed to their judgment and is grateful for her destiny, which has given her a strong and happy family. By the way, earlier we talked about another couple who became parents to sextuplets – it would be interesting to see what they look like in 10 years!

Video: Cô gái có 8 cặp song sinh cùng lúc - cuộc sống của họ diễn ra như thế nào, 12 năm sau

Throughout this journey, Nadya has been fortunate to encounter many kind-hearted individuals who have offered their assistance in various ways. State benefits alone were insufficient to support such a large family, and even a simple trip to the store presented significant challenges. However, Nadya has always been rescued by the kindness of neighbors and friends. The family lived in a modest house in the city of Los Angeles.

Every day, Nadya shuttles her children to different schools in her own minibus. Over the past 12 years, she has faced numerous trials, including depression, financial struggles, criticism, and endless gossip. Nevertheless, she continues to love her children deeply and strives to provide them with the best possible life.

To learn more about how Nadya’s life is unfolding today, you can watch the accompanying video.

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Be Hieu