Captivating Photo Series: Embracing the Mother’s Postpartum Body

Pregnancy and childbirth bring the ultimate happiness of being a mother, but behind that great happiness is a noble sacrifice. Women who manage to regain a slim body and flawless skin after giving birth are indeed very rare. After 9 months of pregnancy, a woman’s body is left with scars, stretch marks, or a sagging belly and wrinkled thighs. And of course, no woman wants to expose these disadvantages to others, especially considering the media’s standards.

Liliana Taboas, a photographer and a mother, embarked on a photo shoot with the intent of bringing joy and encouragement to fellow mothers. Having experienced pregnancy, a miscarriage, and after numerous attempts, Taboas finally became a mother. “Becoming a mother has been an incredibly difficult and complicated journey. It took a long time, going through two healthy pregnancies and experiencing immense love for children to help me overcome my postpartum body phobia,” Taboas shared.

Through her personal experiences, this mother and photographer wishes to convey a profound message to all mothers who have undergone pregnancy and childbirth: Regardless of your body shape, if there’s a change, mothers must always understand that their bodies are inherently beautiful. After all, it’s the vessel that brings life to these little beings.

Now, let’s take a look at some of the beautiful and meaningful images captured by Taboas:


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