Dog’s Remarkable Self-Rescue: Escapes Grave After Being Buried by Owners

Regrettably, there are individuals who show no hesitation in causing harm to animals without any valid reason. Such an act of cruelty was inflicted upon a German Shepherd named Kiryusha, when his owner suddenly decided to administer a fatal injection and then bury the poor dog alive. Fortunately, Kiryusha managed to dig himself out of this horrifying situation.

The incident took place in northern Russia, where Olga Listseva, a 39-year-old woman, was driving along a highway and noticed a dog walking slowly in the rain. Despite initially continuing her journey, Olga couldn’t ignore the dog’s tired and hopeless demeanor, prompting her to turn back and rescue the distressed animal.

The dog’s fur was drenched, and he appeared utterly exhausted. Olga provided him with food and allowed him to sit in the back seat of her car. The dog slept throughout the 93-mile drive to Ukhta. Upon arrival, Olga brought the dog to a dog rescue service known as Kind City.

Photos of the dog were posted online, leading to the identification and contact of his owners. However, their explanation for their actions – claiming that the dog was unhealthy – was proven to be entirely false. An unnamed couple eventually confessed that they had administered a lethal drug to the dog and buried him alive in a remote location near the Ukhta-Siktifkar Highway.

Upon veterinary examination, Kiryusha was found to be in relatively good health, with hunger being his primary issue. The couple responsible for the cruelty contacted the animal shelter once again, this time to apologize for their actions.

Ekaterina Nimac, a member of the rescue squad, expressed her gratitude to Olga for giving Kiryusha a chance at a new life. She reported that Kiryusha has since become very calm at the shelter.

Thankfully, Kiryusha has found safety and a new loving family, putting an end to his traumatic experience. Our sincerest wishes go out to him, with hopes that he will never have to endure such a horrific ordeal again.

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