Nurturing Paws: The Inspiring Story of Bella and Her Loyal Service Dog, George

In the quiet town of Woburn, Massachusetts, resides an extraordinary young girl named Bella Burton, who, with the unwavering support of her 130-pound Great Dane service dog, George, has defied the odds and taken her first steps in five years. Bella, now 11 years old, has Morquio Syndrome, a rare genetic condition that inhibits bone growth and restricts movement. Her journey to mobility was filled with challenges, but George has been her loyal companion and source of strength.

George, trained at the Service Dog Project in Ipswich, Massachusetts, stands at the same height as Bella but weighs three times as much. The Service Dog Project has provided nearly 100 Great Danes as service animals to individuals with severe balance and mobility issues, significantly improving their quality of life.

These remarkable service dogs are matched with their owners based on specific needs, and in Bella’s case, George has been a life-changing presence for her. Since they first met a year ago, George has enhanced Bella’s mobility and spirits more than any other therapy or treatment.

Morquio Syndrome, affecting only 3000 people worldwide, is an uncommon inherited condition that causes dwarfism, poor bone development, and organ damage. Bella, who previously relied on wheelchairs, walkers, and crutches, made the remarkable transition to using George as her primary source of support.

Walking through school halls and up and down stairs, Bella can lean on her trusted Great Dane. George knows all her class locations and can even nap while she’s in class. Bella admits that she uses him as a crutch and relies on him for walking. If she falls, she commands him to “brace,” and he stands still until she can regain her footing.

Thanks to George, Bella now leads an active life, participating safely in activities like playing on the playground and taking bike rides. He ensures her safety by sleeping close to her at night.

Their heartwarming story has captured the attention of people worldwide, with many following their journey through their Facebook page. In recognition of George’s exceptional support, the American Kennel Club will present him with an Award for Canine Excellence during an event in December.

George is one of five canines honored for “substantially influencing the lives of their owners and people in their communities,” making him a true hero among service dogs. Beyond being Bella’s source of support, George has become her dearest companion.

While the saying “dogs are man’s best friend” has been around for centuries, George’s remarkable qualities go beyond this well-known sentiment. These incredible canine companions continue to inspire us with their unwavering loyalty and life-changing impact.


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