Online Community Mocks “Challenging” Photo Series of One-Year-Old Baby

Cuddling is a cherished occasion for young children, a momentous celebration marking the completion of their first year of life. Many parents eagerly anticipate this milestone, envisioning playful and heartwarming photos to commemorate the occasion. However, as any parent knows, capturing the perfect shot of a one-year-old can be quite the challenge, as one mother from Ho Chi Minh City, Ms. Tran Tam, recently discovered.

On the occasion of her son’s first birthday, Ms. Tran Tam decided to arrange a delightful photo series to celebrate the momentous event. Like many parents, she had high hopes for a joyful and picturesque photoshoot. However, what unfolded was quite the opposite.

Ms. Tran Tam shared her son’s photos on social media with a touch of lament, saying, “This is my son during his birthday photoshoot. Does anyone else have children like this? With all the chores at home, I don’t even know what to say. I feel so helpless.”

Curiosity piqued, people eagerly clicked on the post to view the photos, only to be met with a series of humorous and, indeed, “challenging” snapshots. From the very beginning to the end of the photoshoot, the boy maintained a single expression—crying. Sometimes he cried softly, sometimes he wailed loudly, and at times, he screamed as if protesting against the entire concept of photography. Whether dressed as a cute little bread maker or adorned with a bright band, the boy’s tears flowed unabated.

Despite the initial challenges, many viewers couldn’t help but leave light-hearted comments, admitting that this baby’s photoshoot was certainly one for the books. Within hours, the photo series had garnered 19 thousand likes, 2.5 thousand endearing comments, and 3 thousand shares, making it an unexpected hit on social media.

In a conversation with Ms. Tran Tam, she revealed that her son’s name is Khai Hung, named after his father’s family. Just last month, the family had organized a photoshoot to celebrate Khai Hung’s first-year milestone. Ms. Tam shared that two years ago, when she had arranged a similar photoshoot for Khai Hung’s sister, the experience had been entirely different. Her daughter had been incredibly cooperative, smiling throughout the session, leading her to believe that Khai Hung would follow suit. However, much to everyone’s surprise, Khai Hung had different plans and decided that crying was the way to go whenever the camera appeared, making it a unique challenge for the photoshoot.

In the end, the photo series of Khai Hung’s “tears” became a testament to the unpredictable nature of young children. While the initial day of the shoot was filled with tears, the parents and the photography team decided to give it another try the next day. Yet, much to their amusement, Khai Hung’s crying persisted, both short sobs and long tears. Perhaps it’s the adorable sight of a baby crying that led Ms. Tam to cherish every picture of her son’s expressions. Fortunately, the second photoshoot had moments where his parents successfully coaxed him into smiles, resulting in a few precious shots.

Ms. Tam further shared that, aside from his brief photography career, her son is generally a happy child. He often laughs and smiles, earning him the endearing nickname “Good Boy.” It seems that only the prospect of a photoshoot can unleash the “out-of-tears” crying phenomenon in this otherwise cheerful child. Khai Hung is now the proud owner of 8 teeth, weighing 13kg, and measuring 78cm tall. He’s even begun saying words like “Bye bye” and “Ba ba,” showcasing his growing and vibrant personality.


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Be Tien