The Harpy Eagle: A Majestic Giant Bird That Some Mistake for a Person in Disguise!

This bird is the stuff of Moth Man legends.

A Bird So Big, Some People Think It’s a Person in a Costume

Believe it or not, there’s a real bird that could easily be mistaken for a person dressed in an elaborate bird costume! Meet the harpy eagle, a creature that’s far from massive, fiery, proud, or majestic!

Harpy eagles are birds of prey, and they hold the title of the largest and most powerful raptors in the world. With a wingspan that can reach up to 7 feet and 4 inches (225 centimeters), their wingspan might actually surpass your height! Surprisingly, they weigh only 8.5-20 pounds (3.8 – 9 kg).

You won’t spot them just anywhere, as they primarily inhabit the upper canopy layer of tropical lowland forests. Unfortunately, they’ve been added to the list of endangered species in Central America due to the rapid destruction resulting from deforestation.

When it comes to their diet, harpy eagles prefer larger prey over smaller birds. Their meals can range from monkeys, tree porcupines, sloths, and coatis to birds, snakes, and lizards.

It’s truly astonishing how, if people took the time to learn more about the world and nature, we’d all be better off.

The great harpy eagles are undoubtedly the biggest eagles in the world, and it’s easy to see why – they’re simply enormous.

But, for goodness’ sake, let’s take the shackles off. This bird is meant to be free.

This stunning bird, sadly bound by chains, is a heartbreaking sight. Such a magnificent creature deserves its freedom.

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