The Second woman In The U.S. To Gave Birth To sextuplets.
Heather Carroll is far too small to be carrying six children. Mrs. Carroll had four miscarriages before her polycystic ovaries were discovered, despite the couple’s years of trying to conceive.
Mrs. Carroll underwent intrauterine insemination to conceive Grant, in which her husband’s sperm was placed directly into her uterus after she had taken fertility medications to increase her egg production.
According to Heather Carroll, who stands only 5’2″, the five Gs and a B “look amazing.” Abbie, Brooklyn, Chloe, David, Ellie, and Faith are the six names she and her husband Mitchell gave them in alphabetical order, following the letters assigned to them by doctors while they were still in the womb.
She gave birth to the sextuplets by planned caesarian section on Saturday morning, 28 weeks and one day into her pregnancy, after a month of forced bed rest that included her 30th birthday. Abbie, the oldest, arrived at 8.05 a.m., while Faith, the youngest, arrived at 8.08 a.m. Their weights ranged from 1 pound 10 ounces to 2 pounds 5 ounces.
The newborns were welcomed into the world by a group of 51 medical professionals who had practiced birth six times. Each newborn had his or her own medical team. The 30-year-old made the assembled journalists laugh when she discussed her 6,000-calorie diet.
Mrs. Carroll weighs 115 pounds, but she gained 35 pounds during her pregnancy, which she couldn’t bear. She claimed that in the final week before giving birth, she could feel each baby’s precise position: one on each hip, three deeper on her pelvis, and one that moved up and down. Each day they spent in the W, which allowed their organs to mature, increased their chances of survival by 4%, according to the doctors.
The couple has already received help from their close-knit community. Friends have begun constructing an addition to their log cabin, local businesses have agreed to donate diapers and infant formula, and a car dealership may donate a van. Mrs. Carroll was admitted to Brockwood Medical Center for 24-hour observation a month before the babies were born. Every meal included a nutrient-rich milkshake, and she was given extra supplements via IV drip to ensure she was eating enough calories to keep the baby healthy.
Mr. Carroll spent the day running from incubator to incubator while wearing five pink ID bands and one blue ID band to indicate he was allowed to visit the infants. Mrs. Carroll is the second woman in the United States to give birth to sextuplets this month. Stacey Carey of Abington, Pennsylvania, also gave birth to six children two weeks ago.
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