Unveiling the Enigma of Catacomb Saints: Exquisite Jeweled Skeletons Unearthed in Roman Catacombs

They were known as the Catacomb Saints – the remains of ancient Romans discovered in the catacombs of Rome. These corpses were given false names and exported as relics of saints from the 8th to the 16th centuries. The striking feature of these corpses is their extravagant adornment, as depicted below.

However, one might wonder why they were decorated so lavishly. Were they originally buried like this, or did something else occur? In reality, these corpses are not saints in the truest sense, although some of them might have been early Christian martyrs.

During the 15th century, Western Europe experienced a period of religious iconoclasm known as the Beeldenstorm – a term used to describe the widespread destruction of religious imagery. Catholic art, church decorations, and various accessories were destroyed in spontaneous acts or mob violence.

In response to the systematic stripping of Catholic churches of their symbols, the Vatican devised a rather peculiar solution. Thousands of skeletons were excavated from the catacombs beneath Rome and installed in towns across Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. While most of these corpses held no religious significance, they were adorned to resemble saints.

These skeletons became a macabre symbol of Catholicism in regions dominated by Protestants. It is unclear when this strategy was initially employed, but by the 19th century, these skeletons had become an uncomfortable reminder of past conflicts.

Although considered imitations and banned from selling skeletons or their embellishments, certain unscrupulous priests, posing as businessmen, continued to profit by shipping them around the country and offering blessings.

In 1803, the secular magistrate of Rottenbuch in Bavaria put the town’s two saints up for auction. After 174 years, in 1977, the town’s residents raised funds to have them returned. However, for the most part, the catacomb saints had been forgotten and neglected.

Their resurgence came in 2013 when Paul Koudounaris reignited interest in them through his book. He attempted to photograph and document each and every one of these catacomb saints. Although it remains uncertain if he accomplished this task, he certainly succeeded in bringing them to the public’s attention. Koudounaris explains:

“These saints must be handled by individuals who have taken a sacred oath to the church. They are believed to be martyrs, and their handling is restricted to a select few. They represent the triumph of faith and are revered as saints in the cities. Their significance lies not only in their spiritual value, which is truly remarkable but also in their social importance.”

He further added that over time, their meaning has shifted, transforming them from religious symbols to symbols of their respective cities.

“They are intended to work miracles and strengthen people’s connection to a particular town. It’s important to note that the value of skeletons cannot be measured by modern-day standards.”


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